What is the foundation of the project?
In order to evaluate the structure, focus and methods in play KlimaZirkus uses a model of eight basic elements to self assess in order to determine what the project idea is based on.
The project does not have to contain all eight elements. However, it is important to be aware of how the methods are involved from the beginning. These elements connect the relation between aims and goal, skills, knowledge, character traits of work competences and meta-learning.
1. Subject content
This can include subject aims and goals, skills, knowledge, character traits and meta learning.
2. A challenge, problem or queston
The project is framed by a meaningful problem that needs to be solved or a queston to be answered, on an adequate level.
3. Inquiry
The pupils engage in a focused process by asking questons, fnding resources and using gathered informaton in a constructve manner.
4. Authentcity
The project is a real life near challenge or is based in concerns, interests and relevant problems from the pupils’ own lives.
5. Pupils have co-infuence
The pupils have co-infuence on the project content, hereunder how they will work and what kind of products they are making.
6. Refexion
Pupils and teachers refect on the pupil’s learning, the quality of the pupils’ work and what obstacles they have met.
7. Feedback
The pupils give and receive feedback to improve their process and products.
8. Public product
The pupils publish their project by explaining and or presentng it to an audience outside the classroom.
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