What Kind of Activity?

5 different categories.

An authentic problem

A company or a professional person pitches a case for the pupils to solve. The most important element in this category is the collaboration with an authentic recipient about an authentic issue or problem.

An abstract problem

In this category the pupils are not focusing on a concrete problem or product, but rather on immaterial ideas and concepts. They can create a video, a presentation with visual remedies, plays, art installations or a poetry or science slam.

An inquiry

The category involves the pupils answering a question that is under inquiry. This can done  through hypotheses, data collection, analysis and aconclusion. (This could also follow a model of 5E IBSE)

A meaningful question

Effective questions have several answers and endless angles that appeal to different kinds of people and invite to different kinds of thoughts. For example: how do we decide what news to trust?

A design challenge

The category is broad spectred and spans from developing and prototyping technology, like bridges, food and clothing, coding  a program or designing an event.